our basic beliefs are pretty simple.

We believe that Jesus is our Savior.

He knows you.

He loves you.

He longs to see you live your life connected to him and free from sin! 


The Bible

The Bible is God’s word revealed to us. We believe that God speaks to us through his word. It is absolutely true and it contains everything necessary for life and salvation. To this end, our gatherings are always centered around God’s word. If you spend time with Immanuel, you can expect to be invited into the word!


Jesus’ gift of salvation is freely available to everyone who wants it! If you want Jesus, you can have him. Regardless of your circumstances or your story, Jesus loves you exactly as you are and desires that you might find freedom and joy in him. This is truely good news for all peoples!


Even though Jesus loves you exactly as you are, he also loves you too much to leave you where you are. The Spirit of God moves us not just to salvation, but to increasing growth, holiness, and freedom from sin! 

Want to know more?

If you are interested in knowing more about our doctrine here at Immanuel feel free to check out our full Statement of Belief here. This document includes a section on our primary or basic beliefs as well as a section on Immanuel’s theological distincitves. The first section walks through universal Christian orthodoxy. These are the basic biblical beliefs that make up historical Christianity. The second section outlines some of the distinctive convictions we have at Immanuel on issues that are open to biblical interpretation. Please feel free to reach out to any of our pastors with questions or for further information on doctrine.

Our Affiliations

Immanuel Fellowship is a fully affiliated Southern Baptist Church. This means we are a member in good standing of the Southern Baptist Convention, The Missouri Baptist Convention, and the St. Louis Metro Baptist Association. These partnerships provide our church with fellowship and accountability, but also allow us to participate in amazing Kingdom minded organizations like the International Mission Board and the North American Mission Board which connects our church with everything from sending missionaries to unreached people groups to international disaster relief. Note, however, that every Baptist church is an autonomous local church and both our church governance and doctrinal statements are self-determined. Our Statement of Belief and Bylaws are the best way to dig into the specifics of what Immanuel believes. If you have questions or need clarity about any of these affiliations or documents, please reach out to one of our elders.