Discussion Questions for 01/07/24

Discussion Questions

  1. Re-read all of Luke 20. In light of Sunday’s sermon, what are you drawn to in this section of scripture? What questions do you have?

  2. How does the word stewardship sit with you? How about obligation? Do you have primarily positive or negative connotations with these words? How might that effect the way you consider Christ’s kingship in your life?

  3. Pastor Sam said that salvation involves believing in Jesus as your savior and submitting to him as your Lord. Think of your own testimony. Where do you see these two ideas in your own story? Which one is harder for you?

  4. A life bent toward the kingdom is set apart from the life of this world. List out some ways this is true that come to your mind. What aspects of a worldly life are the hardest for you to set aside for the kingdom? What might change in your life if you were to give those fully to the discretion of Jesus today?

  5. Sam listed four practical ways you can bend the larger trajectory of your life toward the Kingdom of God. Look at the below list and consider how the trajectory of your life looks in each of these categories. What might you need to change?

    1. Give yourself fully to a local church

    2. Be a Peace Maker

    3. See the World as Mission

    4. Pray like you believe the Gospel

  6. What was God telling you this week? What have you done about it?

sam tunnell

I’m a guy who eats too many cheetos


Discussion Questions for 01/14/24


Discussion Questions for 12/24/23