Discussion Questions for 02/25/24

Discussion Questions

  1. Read all of Matthew 13. In light of Sunday’s sermon, what are you drawn to in this section of scripture? What questions do you have?

  2. Are you familiar with Jesus’ parables? Do you have a favorite? Why does it stick with you?

  3. How does the characterization of Jesus as a radically generous sower sit with you? How does this play out in your own testimony? How might this change the way you consider the preaching of the gospel to others?

  4. Pastor Sam said that this gospel sowing happens leading up to our conversion, but is also an ongoing ministry of the Spirit in our Christian walk. How have you seen this work out in your own life? What do you do to evaluate the current state of the “soil” of your heart?

  5. Recall a time when your heart has led to a shallow faith. How did God minister to you in this time? How about the conflicted heart? Recall a time when you were caught between love of the world and love of the Kingdom. How did the Spirit minister to you?

  6. What was God telling you this week? What have you done about it?

sam tunnell

I’m a guy who eats too many cheetos


Parables of the Kingdom


Discussion Questions for 02/11/24