Finding Fulfillment in God's Kingdom

Have you ever wondered why happiness seems so elusive? You’re not alone. In a world filled with promises of happiness through wealth, success, and spirituality, it’s easy to feel like you’re missing out. But what if the key to true happiness isn’t found in these things at all? What if the secret lies in something deeper, something eternal? The last few weeks, we’ve been asking this question in our Sunday Gatherings. We’re working through Matthew 19 & 20 and I think there is a great truth here about where real joy and fulfillment come from.

The False Promises of Wealth and Spirituality

In Matthew 19, we encounter a rich young man who seems to have it all—wealth, spirituality, and a genuine desire for eternal life. When he asks Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life, Jesus challenges him to sell his possessions and follow Him. The young man walks away grieving. He is unable to part with his wealth. This story highlights a powerful truth: wealth and spirituality alone cannot bring true happiness.

We often fall into the trap of believing that if we just had a little more money or if we were a bit more spiritual, we’d finally be happy. But Jesus shows us that these are false gospels. They promise fulfillment but leave us empty. True fulfillment comes from a relationship with God and the pursuit of His Kingdom.

The Upside-Down Kingdom

Jesus’ teachings often turn our expectations upside down. He tells us that the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like children—humble, trusting, and dependent. This is counterintuitive in a world that values self-sufficiency and independence. But Jesus invites us to let go of our earthly treasures and trust in Him for our true treasure.

What Does This Mean for You?

Well honestly… everything. When you choose to follow Jesus and seek His Kingdom, you find the life you were made for. It’s a life of purpose, joy, and fulfillment that transcends the temporary pleasures of this world.

So, what might you do today to pursue this kind of life? Start by examining your heart. What are the false gospels you’ve been holding onto? What narratives do you find regularly tickling your ear promising you a better life? What would it take for you to reject these false promises and listen to the voice of the Spirit? Is there something in your life you need to let go of to fully embrace God’s Kingdom? A sin pattern, an idol, a self-centered dream?

Take Action

Here’s a practical step: Spend time in prayer today and ask God to reveal any areas where you’re seeking happiness outside of Him. Then, take a bold step of faith. Maybe it’s giving generously, serving others, or spending more time in God’s Word. Whatever it is, trust that God will meet you there and fill you with His joy. The point is clear: True happiness and fulfillment come from a relationship with Jesus and the pursuit of His Kingdom.

What will you do this week to seek Him more fully?

sam tunnell

I’m a guy who eats too many cheetos


Discussion Questions for 01/26/25


Discussion Questions for 01/19/25