Discussion Questions for 02/23/25

Discussion Questions

  1. Re-read Matthew 21 in it’s entirety. What questions do you have?

  2. What does Jesus’ lived out fig tree parable teach us about the expectations he has for His church? How does this relate back to Jesus’ cleansing of the temple?

  3. Pastor Sam gave a critique of the ways that the “Prosperity Gospel” tries to manipulate God. What is the difference between biblical faith in Jesus and this sort of manipulation of God through religious practices?

  4. Are there areas in your life where you might be trying to use religion to manipulate God? List them out. How can you shift your focus to trusting Him instead?

  5. How can you align your prayers and actions with the work Jesus is doing in the world? Give some specific answers.

  6. What was God telling you this week? What have you done about it?

sam tunnell

I’m a guy who eats too many cheetos


Breaking Down Barriers: Jesus Cleansing of the Temple