Discussion Questions for 02/11/24

Discussion Questions

  1. Re-read all of Matthew 12. In light of Sunday’s sermon, what are you drawn to in this section of scripture? What questions do you have?

  2. Pastor Sam said that to receive the benefits of ministry without actually turning to God leaves you in a worse place than you started. How might this work out practically? Can you give any examples of this from your own experience?

  3. What does your practice of regular repentance look like right now? Read James 5:13-16. What might you change in your active repentance in light of this passage?

  4. What does it look like for you to seek after Jesus in this season of your life and faith?

  5. Jesus does not just save his people, he adopts them into his family. List every verse you can think of that speaks to your identity as family to God. What does this teach you about your present experience of faith?

  6. What was God telling you this week? What have you done about it?

sam tunnell

I’m a guy who eats too many cheetos


Discussion Questions for 02/25/24


A Tree & Its Fruit