Mission: Baranquilla, Colombia

Immanuel Fellowship Church has been a part of a vital overseas ministry in Colombia, South America for years. We are dedicated in spreading the gospel, serving, training leaders, meeting needs and building churches throughout that region. In 2023 and beyond we will conduct a winter leadership development conference, and conduct 2 short-term mission trips, one in the summer and a second in the Fall.

On each STM trip we support a local church in two different impoverished communities, by going door-to-door throughout those neighborhoods to make connections, build friendships, teach the bible, pray with, and find out what unmet needs the residents might have.

We also directly work with children by conducting vacation bible schools, one in each of these communities where we will teach the bible, sing songs, play games, have refreshments and just love on the kids.

Immanuel Fellowship Church (formerly West County Bible Church) has been doing this work for two decades. We currently fund a children’s feeding program for 45 kids, many of which the only full meal they have each week is through this program. We supplied and equipped an entire kitchen for the church so that the women and men of the church could make the kid’s meals they need at a less expensive cost.