Advent Week Four: Love
If there is one thing that we all know deep down, it is that we are made for love. We all spend our lives searching for it. We want to find another person who will love us for who we truly are. Yet we are also terrified of the opposite. What if that other person will see us as we truly are and reject us?
Advent 2024 Week 3: Joy
What is joy? Is it an emotion? A decision? An attitude? Joy is hard to define, but Joy is even harder to have. Most of us struggle to consistently find joy in our lives. It is much easier to focus on our circumstances. Are they good or bad? Are you too busy? Is your mental health struggling? Is work going well? Do you have enough money? Hows your marriage? If things are well, we’re happy. If they’re not, we’re sad.
Advent 2024 Week Two Reading: Faith
The culture has changed over the last few generations. We now live in a world where faith is something to shake your head at. It’s something only fools hold. It is seen as the opposite of reason, the delusion that religions use to control their followers. People with faith are those who bury their heads in the sand and refuse to acknowledge that science and technology have advanced past the need for any sort of God.
Advent 2024 Week One Reading: Hope
From the moment sin entered the world, from the moment that our evil choices broke our relationship with God, humanity has struggled to find meaning and purpose. We look around ourselves every day at the crooked and bent lifestyles of violence, greed, and hatred that are so prevalent in our world and it is difficult to figure out what can be done about any of it.