Discussion Questions for 10/08/23

Discussion Questions

  1. Read all of Luke 18. What are you drawn to in this section of scripture? Why do you think Jesus was concerned that his followers would lose hope and cease praying?

  2. Consider your own relationship with prayer. Are you comfortable praying with boldness?

  3. Pastor Sam mentioned that we often avoid boldness in our prayers as a way of avoiding the property gospel. What is your best understanding of the prosperity gospel heresy? Do you see temptations toward this belief in your own life? How does it affect the ways you pray day to day?

  4. What are some specific prayers where you have lost hope and pay less attention to them? What might it look like to continue in them?

  5. Pastor Sam said that one of the primary differences between biblically bold prayer and prosperity gospel false prayer is the object of your requests. The widow in our parable prayed for justice. What does it mean for you to seek ‘justice’ in your own prayers today?

  6. Interact with the following quote from Tim Keller “God will either give us what we ask for in prayer or give us what we would have asked for if we knew everything he knows.”

  7. What was God telling you this week? How about about over this whole series? What have you done about it?

sam tunnell

I’m a guy who eats too many cheetos


Discussion Questions for 10/22/23


Pray with Intimacy