Discussion Questions for 02/20/22
Read Acts 21:17-22:29 (its a long passage) before engaging the below questions. Pray over it. What ideas stick out to you in this narrative? Why do you suppose that is?
Paul and the Jerusalem church could have erupted into conflict over the rumors surrounding Paul’s ministry. Look at the beginning section of the text again, how do you suppose they were able to maintain unity in this midst of gossip and tension? How might these same ideas apply to the church today?
Paul, when arrested, took the time to share his story and the gospel with the very people seeking to kill him. Interact with this part of the story. What does this tell you about Christian ministry and the cost of discipleship? How might this relate to the christian life in our time and place?
Rev 12:11 mentions that the “blood of the lamb” and the “word of their testimony” will defeat the final evil in Jesus’ final battle with Satan. How do you suppose the testimonies or stories of Jesus in the lives of believers work to defeat Satan? Why is this a part of the equation alongside the sacrificial work of Jesus?
Write out your testimony. You can do this in long form or bullet points. Make it a goal to share it out loud with someone this week. Ask for feedback. What do you like about your story? What do you not like?
What was God telling you this week? What have you done about it?