Discussion Questions for 05/15/22
Read John 15:1-11. Prayerfully consider the passage before engaging the below questions.
Jesus uses a metaphor in his description of our continued relationship to him while he’s not physically present. Why do you suppose Jesus so often uses metaphor for these important sorts of spiritual truths? How does this affect your engagement of Jesus’ gospel teaching?
Jesus’ command to abide in him implies that you can be relationally connected to Jesus while he is not physically present. Interact with this idea? Do you feel relationally connected to Jesus in your day-to-day life? How so? What role do you suppose the Holy Spirit plays in your relationship?
Jesus specifically says that even those branches who remain connected to him will be pruned. We will be sanctified and grow in holiness. Think of your own sanctification experience with Jesus. How does this connect to your relationship with Jesus?
Consider your engagement with scripture and prayer as ways of relating to and connecting with Jesus. How do these play out in your life? In what ways do these practices come naturally to you? If you could change one thing about your engagement of these practices what would it be? What is stopping you from making that change?
Can you think of any ways that your time with brothers and sisters in Christ has deepened your relational connection to Christ?
What was God telling you this week? What have you done about it?