Discussion Questions for 10/09/22

Read Romans 8:12-30. What Ideas stick out to you? What sorts of ideas have you historically associated with this text?

  1. Pastor Sam said that the kingdom of God is described in the Bible using various images and metaphors. How many of these can you list? Put as many supporting scriptures as you are able.

  2. Describe what is meant by the Kingdom of God in your own words.

  3. The upside down nature or the kingdom of God should draw you to praise? Why is this? How does grateful praise work its way into your day to day expression of faith?

  4. The already but not yet nature of the Kingdom of God should lead us to mission. Why is this? In what ways does your own eager expectation of the fulfillment of the kingdom fuel your mission and evangelism?

  5. The Kingdom of God is primarily experienced through presence of the Spirit of God. How would you describe your own relationship with the Spirit? What does intimacy with the Spirit look like in your day to day expression of faith?

  6. What was God telling you this week? What have you done about it?

sam tunnell

I’m a guy who eats too many cheetos


Discussion Questions for 10/16/22


Discussions Questions for 9/26/22