Discussion Questions for 11/12/23

What Jesus are You Looking For?

1.        Read Matthew 11:1-25. Give us your personal thoughts and insights into the text.


2.        Read Matthew 11:1-6. 

·          What appears to have led to John’s doubts?

·          How did Jesus, attempt to quell John’s doubts?

·          Why is the knowledge of God’s word so vital to overcoming our doubts and discouragement?

·         Be honest how difficult is it for you to get into God’s word each day?  Why do you think that is?

·         Did Jesus judge John’s for his doubts?  How does that make you feel?


3.        Read Matthew 11:7-15.  What evidence did Jesus give John that the kingdom had arrived?  What did Pastor Jim say was the greatest, most miraculous evidence that the kingdom had arrived? What does that say about you?  What does that say about the gospel mission you have been given?


4.        Why do you think Jesus gave John such high praise?   What does that say about the life of the Christian today?


5.        Read Matthew 11:20-24.  Respond to the following ideas.

·         “Greater light means greater responsibility.”

·         Read Ecclesiastes 12:14. What does this verse say about degrees of punishment in hell?

·         Read Romans 14:10-12.  What are believers judged for?  How does it make you feel that Jesus desires each Christian to pursue rewards and treasures.  What do you believe ensures greater heavenly rewards and treasures for you?

·         How should we as Christian respond to the knowledge of od’s judgment?


6.        Is there an application step the Holy Spirit is prompting you to do?

Just as in the life of John the Baptist, God had his eyes and his designs set on you from tje moment of your birth. Even before you were born, the Scriptures declare, God has a specific purpose for your life.

sam tunnell

I’m a guy who eats too many cheetos


Discussion Questions for 11/19/23


Discussion Questions for 11/05/23