Discussion Questions for Sunday 04/03/22
Read Acts 28:11-31 before answering the below Questions.. What words, phrases, or ideas stick out to you? Why do you suppose that is?
Think back over our whole time in Acts. What were some of the big ideas that God had for you in this book? What would be a good verse or passage in Acts for you to memorize?
The text seems to remind the reader a couple of times that the Gospel is not obvious to those who are not in Christ. Interact with this idea. Why do you suppose the gospel doesn’t make sense to those who don’t believe? Consider when the gospel first made sense for you. What made the difference for your heart?
What are some of the common objections you hear to the truth of the gospel message in our day and time?
The present ministry of the church caused Paul to take courage and thank God. Consider how the ministry of the church has encouraged you in your faith journey. Write down a few instances. Is there some way that you can be the present hands and feet of Jesus to brothers and sisters right now?
Pastor Sam said that the story of Acts did not end in Acts 28, but rather the church today is still partnering with the Spirit to advance his kingdom. Interact with this idea. If this is true, but does this mean for your day to day practice of faith? What is similar between your experience of faith and the story of Acts? What is different? Why do you suppose that is?
What was God telling you this week? What have you done about it?