Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday – Discussion Questions for April 2, 2023
1. The Lenten Season culminating in Passion Week is historically a beautiful time for the Christian to seek the Lord and prepare their hearts through prayer, repentance, reflection, and meditation of God’s wonderful plan of redemption. How difficult is it for you each year to treat this season differently so that your heart would be prepared?
2. Read Luke 19:28-44. What is the most significant thing that stands out to you about the account of Palm Sunday?
3. What does God’s sovereignty mean to you? What evidence do you see of it in and around the events of Palm Sunday? How do you feel about the fact that God is sovereign over your life as well?
4. The crowds were shouting “Hosanna in the highest” as Jesus’ rode past them. The Hebrew translation is actually “O great King save us now!” They were looking for a political hero not the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. In what ways do you see Christians today seeking a political hero, even over and above the Lamb of God?
5. Sunday, Pastor Jim stated, “The problem with our world today is no different than in Jerusalem 2000 years ago, which is “The sinful heart of man for which there is no political remedy. Do you agree or disagree?
6. Read Luke 18:31-33. How does it personally make you feel that even though Jesus knew in advance the pain and suffering that was ahead for him, he rode into Jerusalem anyway?
7. Read Luke 19:41-44. What does it tell you about the heart of Jesus that he wept over Jerusalem? What does God’s judgment of Jerusalem say to you about the seriousness of rejecting the Savior? How might your heart need to change to become more like his?
8. How has God specifically been speaking to your heart throughout this Lenten Season and how have you responded?