Embracing a New Year with Jesus: Setting Spiritual Goals
You might be wondering how to make this year different. How do you grow in your faith and become more like Jesus?
If you're like many of us, you've probably set New Year's resolutions before, only to see them fade away by February. But what if this year could be different? What if you could set goals that not only stick but also transform your life? This isn't just about self-improvement; it's about spiritual growth and letting Jesus overflow into every part of your life. Let's explore how you can make this year a turning point in your faith journey.
It’s All About The Word
The main point is this: Deep and consistent engagement with the Word of God is the primary method by which we are sanctified. This means that if you want to grow in your faith, it will almost certainly be connected to your relationship with the Bible. The Bible isn't just a book. The Scripture is alive. It’s a flashlight on a dark night. It guides us to become more like Jesus.
So, how do you make this a reality in your life?
Setting Goals
First, let's talk about goals. Just like any other area of life, spiritual growth requires intentionality. Start by assessing where you are right now in your relationship with the Bible. Do you read it regularly? Do you engage with it deeply? If not, that's your first step.
Consider setting a goal to engage with the Bible at least four times a week. Research shows that this level of engagement is a tipping point that can lead to significant changes in your life, reducing negative behaviors and increasing positive spiritual practices.
Next, think about how you can make Bible engagement a regular part of your life. This could mean joining a Bible study group, listening to an audio Bible during your commute, or setting aside time each day for personal study. The key is consistency. Find a method that works for you and stick with it. Remember, as strange as it may sound, it's not about the amount of time you spend but the regularity of your engagement.
Don’t Go Alone
Another important aspect is community. You're not in this alone. Consider inviting others to join you in your Bible engagement. This could be a group of friends, your family, or your church community. Share what you're learning, discuss challenging passages, and pray for each other. This not only helps you stay accountable but also enriches your understanding of the Bible.
As you set these goals, remember that the ultimate aim is to let the Word of God dwell richly in you. This means allowing it to shape your thoughts, actions, and attitudes. It's about letting Jesus transform you from the inside out, so that His love, compassion, and kindness overflow into every area of your life.
So, what will you do this week to make your faith an intentional part of your goals for the year? Will you commit to engaging with the Bible regularly? Will you invite others to join you on this journey? Remember, everyone starts somewhere. Don’t let your struggles or failures in the past cause you to miss out on the incredible transformation Jesus wants for you today. The New Year rolls around every flip of the calendar. What will your faith look like the next time you get here? Will you have grown or will you have stagnated? Why not start now and see what God can do with an open heart?