Why Is Matthew 18:11 Missing in Most Bibles?
From The Elders sam tunnell From The Elders sam tunnell

Why Is Matthew 18:11 Missing in Most Bibles?

If you’ve ever opened your Bible to Matthew 18, you might have noticed something strange: verse 11 is missing. If you’re using a modern translation like the NIV, ESV, or NASB, you simply won’t find it. But if you’re using a King James Version (KJV) you’ll see that Matthew 18:11 is still included.

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Embracing Discipline as an Act of Love
From The Elders sam tunnell From The Elders sam tunnell

Embracing Discipline as an Act of Love

In Matthew 18, Jesus gives us a roadmap for dealing with sin in the church. He uses the image of "little ones" to describe us—weak, needy, and prone to conflict. We need Jesus, and we need each other. The main point of this teaching is clear: The church disciplines sin because it is an act of love that Christ has empowered us to enact.

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Chasing After the Wanderers
From The Elders sam tunnell From The Elders sam tunnell

Chasing After the Wanderers

Have you ever felt like you're just not good at being a Christian? Like you're stumbling through your spiritual journey, unsure of your footing? You're not alone. In fact, Jesus himself described his followers as "little ones," vulnerable and needy, much like children. This isn't a criticism but a profound truth about our spiritual lives. We are all weak and in need of guidance, and that's exactly where Jesus meets us.

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