Discussion Questions for 11/24/25
Look at verses 21-22. When Peter asks Jesus how many times he should forgive someone who wrongs him, what is Jesus' response and what does this teach us about the nature of forgiveness?
Why Is Matthew 18:11 Missing in Most Bibles?
If you’ve ever opened your Bible to Matthew 18, you might have noticed something strange: verse 11 is missing. If you’re using a modern translation like the NIV, ESV, or NASB, you simply won’t find it. But if you’re using a King James Version (KJV) you’ll see that Matthew 18:11 is still included.
Embracing Discipline as an Act of Love
In Matthew 18, Jesus gives us a roadmap for dealing with sin in the church. He uses the image of "little ones" to describe us—weak, needy, and prone to conflict. We need Jesus, and we need each other. The main point of this teaching is clear: The church disciplines sin because it is an act of love that Christ has empowered us to enact.
Discussion Questions for 11/17/24
What are some specific ways we can be proactive about addressing sin within our community? How can you do this individually?
Chasing After the Wanderers
Have you ever felt like you're just not good at being a Christian? Like you're stumbling through your spiritual journey, unsure of your footing? You're not alone. In fact, Jesus himself described his followers as "little ones," vulnerable and needy, much like children. This isn't a criticism but a profound truth about our spiritual lives. We are all weak and in need of guidance, and that's exactly where Jesus meets us.
Discussion Questions for 11/10/24
Part of Jesus’ comparison of his followers to little children is a child’s propensity to struggle and stumble in life. How do you see this working out in your own faith journey? How does this effect the way you consider other’s weaknesses and failures in faith?
Discussion Questions for 11/03/24
Take a moment to consider some examples of pride in your own life and write them down. How can a child-like humility help you build stronger relationships in your church community?
Navigating the Election with a Christ-Like Heart
In Matthew 22:17-21, Jesus masterfully navigates a political trap set by the Pharisees. His response to them, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's," provides a profound insight into how we can balance our earthly responsibilities with our heavenly citizenship. This isn't just about paying taxes; it's about understanding that our ultimate allegiance is to God. Jesus makes the surprising statement that Alignment with God and some form of participation in corrupt earthly societies are not inherently at odds.
Discussion Questions for 10/27/24
What do you suppose it means to 'render unto Caesar' in today's political context,? How can we be a part of our communities while still honoring God?
The Sons Are Free
Have you ever wondered what it truly means to be truly free? Is it a dream job? Winning the lottery? The ability to travel on a whim? In a world where freedom is often defined by the absence of restrictions, the Bible offers a deeper, more profound understanding. In Matthew 17:24-27, we find a seemingly mundane story about Jesus and the temple tax. Yet, this passage reveals a powerful truth about our identity and freedom as children of God.
Discussion Questions for 10/06/24
What does the story of Peter and the Fish say to you about God’s provision in your own life?
Trusting Jesus' Authority
Have you ever felt like your faith is falling short? Like you're trying to do everything right, but nothing seems to work? You’re not alone. In Matthew 17, we see the disciples facing a similar struggle. They had been following Jesus, witnessing His miracles, and even performing some themselves. But suddenly, they hit a wall. They couldn’t heal a boy suffering from seizures, and they were left wondering why.
Discussion Questions for 09/29/24
Several times, Pastor Sam compared Jesus in Matthew 17 to Moses in Exodus 19. How does the comparison of Jesus to Moses help us understand Jesus’ authority and mission?
Jesus the Son of God: Embracing the Comfort of His Presence
If you’re like many of me, the idea of connecting with a perfectly holy God can be downright terrifying. I often consider the weight of my own sin and just assume that God is either angry or disappointed with me. But what if I told you that Jesus, God’s Son, makes this connection not only possible but also comforting?
Discussion Questions for 09/22/24
In Matthew 17, Peter, James, and John experience intense fear in the presence of God. Why do you think fear is a common response when encountering God's glory?
Jesus is the Victor: Embracing True Victory in Christ
On Sundays at Immanuel, we’ve been going through a series asking the question “Who is Jesus?” This last Sunday we latched onto a major truth in the exploration of Jesus’ identity: Jesus is the victor, and in Him, our victory is assured. This victory isn’t just about Jesus; it’s about you and me and how we live our lives.