Discussion Questions for 02/12/23

Read all of Matthew 4 again. What Ideas stick out to you now? What sorts of ideas have you historically associated with this text? What questions do you have?

  1. Jesus’ message was one of hope (the kingdom has drawn near) and one of challenge (repent!). How do you suppose these ideas of hope and personal challenge practically sit together in the Christian life? How do you see them in your own faith story? Consider how this might look practically in gospel proclamation in our cultural moment. Where does our world need hope? Challenge?

  2. Read Ephesians 2:1-10. How does the idea of Jesus’ seeking you and calling you sit with you? As you consider your own efforts and the efforts of God on your behalf what thoughts and emotions come to mind? Take a minute to write these out.

  3. Following Jesus means joining him in his work of seeking the lost with both proclamation and with ‘curse killing’. What might this look like in your own life? Can you think of any recent examples of your own gospel proclamation? How about fighting the effects of the curse? What might need to change in your life in order regularly facilitate this work?

  4. What was God telling you this week? How about over this whole series? What have you done about it?

sam tunnell

I’m a guy who eats too many cheetos


Discussion questions for February 26,2023


Discussion Questions for 02/05/23