Discussion questions for February 26,2023
Sermon Title: Salt & Light
1. In Sunday’s sermon, Pastor Jim asked everyone to stop and remember that special person in their story, who served as a light illuminating your life path to Jesus. Let’s have a few people share about that person.
2. Read Matthew 5:11-16. What stood out to you as you listened to Sunday’s sermon? Why do you think Jesus directly moved from speaking About The believer’s persecution to being salt and light?
3. What do you believe Jesus means by his followers being the salt of the earth? What are several practical ways you could be salt in your world?
4. What do you believe Jesus means by his followers being the light of the world? What does it mean that we are “reflected light?” What are several practical ways that you could live as light in your world?
5. Jesus appeared to break it down to his followers being light in their world, their city and in their home? What do you think is the significance to us as his followers?
6. Read Matthew 9:35-39. What about the heart of Jesus is revealed here? What does his heart tell us in regard to the kind of heart we should have for the lost people who surround our lives?
7. What are your thoughts about the following quote. “I’m a Christian but I really don’t want people to notice.” Have you ever struggled with this? Was there a certain fear that was driving it? What environment and with what people is it most difficult for you to embrace living as salt and light?
8. Application: Give the group one area of your life that you believe God is wanting you to be salt and light. Tell the group what action steps he has put on your heart to do.