Discussion Question for 03/19/23
Discussion Questions:
Read all of Matthew 5:27-30. What ideas stick out to you? What sorts of ideas have you historically associated with this text? What questions do you have?
Jesus is the “Word made flesh” John 1:14 and he speaks with authority. Discuss how the friend of sinners who beckons us to cast our burdens on him, also has ultimate authority over your life.
Do you struggle with understanding matters of the heart? If not, how do you process them that may be helpful for others? If so, how can you grow in this area?
Where the heart is not right, drastic action is needed to correct it before it results in outward sin. As far as you are comfortable, discuss ways you have taken drastic action in your life as it relates to lust or sexual sin.
Pastor Craig said “we are all sexually broken” how does this sit with you? Have you ever thought of the effects of the fall this way? Discuss.
How has your own upbringing affected your view of sexuality? What ways have you grown to have a God honoring perspective on this subject?
How does shame fit into your life, not just as it relates to sex, but in any form?
Pastor Craig said the opposite of addiction is not sobriety, it is connection. What do you think of this perspective?
What are some practical ways you can become more available to God, to others, and to yourself?
Read Hebrews 4:12-16. How does the truth that Jesus, the Word made flesh, was tempted in every way you were, yet did not sin, affect your daily life? How does it affect your worship?
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