Discussion Questions for 04/30/23
Consider Jesus as the new and better Tabernacle. How does Jesus help you to experience “God with you”? Be as specific as you can.
The Three Islands of Biblical Interpretation
So you’ve been reading your Bible more, but are struggling to understand it. That’s actually really normal. The Bible is a complex and ancient book. It was written in a different language than what you’re reading today. It speaks from a cultural perspective foreign to us. To top it all off, it speaks to the deepest aspects of the human experience.
Suffering: He is with you
Hopefully you and I are still close enough to the glory of Easter, that the shadow cast from its light still follows us through life as we face the challenges before us each day.
Discussion Questions for 04/23/23
How does the holiness of God affect your understanding of your own sinfulness? Do you consider the holiness of God? How might this doctrine have a practical outpouring in your life?
Understanding the Big Picture of the Bible
So you’re struggling to see the bigger picture in your Bible reading. That actually makes a ton of sense. Depending on how you go about your Bible reading, it can be easy to jump into certain passages and just wonder why they are there or how they relate to each other.
Fellow Sufferer
Greetings fellow sufferers! Let me acknowledge something from the start. I understand that I am writing to many people who are experts in suffering,
Discussion Questions for 04/16/23
What thoughts first come to mind when you consider the doctrine of the glory of God? Be specific. Write them down. Are they more positive or negative?
Discussion Questions for 04/09/23 - Easter Sunday
Our text stated several times that the teaching of the Bible all points toward Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection. Consider what you know of the OT. Can you list out any texts that point to Jesus and his ministry?
Discussion Questions for 03/12/23
Jesus says that anger expressed toward a brother or sister has a moral equivalence with murder. How does this sit with you? Do you believe this? Why or why not?
Discussion Questions for 03/05/23
For those in Christ, the law is a window into the heart of God. Interact with this idea. How does the Law of God show you the heart of God?
Discussion Questions for 02/12/23
Jesus’ message was one of hope (the kingdom has drawn near) and one of challenge (repent!). How do you suppose these ideas of hope and personal challenge practically sit together in the Christian life? How do you see them in your own faith story? Consider how this might look practically in gospel proclamation in our cultural moment. Where does our world need hope? Challenge?
Discussion Questions for 02/05/23
Read 1 Corinthians 10:13. What are some of the practical and holy escapes God provides for your specific areas of temptation?